Nice to Meet You, i'm carrie
Hi, I’m Carrie, a carrier of the creative through the written and spoken word.
For years, as a stay-at-home mom, I struggled to reconcile being a mother with growing my own potential. I wanted to be fully present with my daughter. And I felt a deep longing to access my creativity—a creativity that I’d tapped into as a pregnant woman. I needed to create. To feel connected.
But how could family life be a part of this path, and not a distraction from it? Turns out, making a home, in every sense of the word, has been part of my path. Turns out, I’m wild, I’m connected to the world wherever I may be.
I’m a former homeschooling mom . . . now mom to a high schooler.
I’ve created curriculum and written on motherhood, childhood and building a school culture from the ground up. I’m a contributing author in the anthology, On Becoming a Mother, and a past contributor at She’s Wanderful and Start Empathy. I’ve been actively involved in bringing Waldorf education to the community as a volunteer, parent and writer. A lover of words and sounds, I designed and taught a Rhythm and Movement class, coupled with healthy speech, with elementary students, as well as with adults. I am also trained as a birth doula and BOLD Method birth facilitator, and I use this wisdom for supporting the birth of new ideas.

Get To Know Carrie
Hometown: Neptune Beach, Florida
Education: Master of Education, University of Florida
Human Design: Projector
Gene Key Prime Gifts: 4, 49, 23, 43
Myers-briggs: INFP
Add a Favorite Saying
“To truly know the world, look deeply within your own being; to truly know yourself, take real interest in the world.”
Rudolf Steiner